Saturday, October 11, 2008

Super Babies

So at my new school they speak only spanish and when they do speak english in english class it usually comes out something like this, "The lady want to f*** her dog" and "There is a f***ing beside the horses" whatever that means....but my favorite is when they talk about irresponsible sexual activites in the ENGLISH class and say, "If you have irresposible sex then you will have Super Babies" and when they were dicussing the things that were going on in a picture of a blind lady walking a German Shepard they were saying things like, "The lady wants to f*** her dog and then they will have SUPER DOG BABIES!" "But, then the dog dosnt like the lady because she is the ugliest human he has ever seen." "The dog tries to escape because he is desperate and he sees a beautiful girl that he wants to f***" I just sat emmbarrassed and slightly amused at there immproper english. Sat there as they said these things aloud to the teacher and eachother (the teacher was laughing too), howling with laughter. I wont go into what they said about other pictures because believe it or not they were worse. Except for one thing, the way they say Super Babies will forever be laminated in my mind. Try saying this alloud, "Soopur Biebies" try it a few times. I just cant seem to get it out of my head.

On to another subject, I would really like to go home for the winter because of several matters. If anyone has a few hundred dollars they could graciously spare for my plane ticket that would be fantastic....


Fern said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! wow. i just got paid $62 for babysitting, if that would help you my dear

Anonymous said...

My my, well as harrowing of a time you've had in "English class"...
Spanish Daria, soft skin and banana trees don't sound half bad!
Perhaps Flan & Sage should save up to visit YOU girls in the C.R.

p.s. I, like you, love Mucha with great fervor!

Ashley said...

Hilarious!!! You will look back on all of this one day and laugh. And when your parents are too old to get around, you can ship them down to Costa Rica and make them endure similar torture, to get back at them for what they have put you through! :)