Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Yellow Pants Catastrophe!

Who's fantastic idea is stop light day anyways?
Today started at 6 am as usual, but it was one of those days when you don't want to get out of bed so much that its physically impossible. I'll say, it isn't natural to begin with to get up at 6 am 5 days a week when you need as much sleep as an infant. Anyhow, after hitting the snooze 6 times at 5 minute intervals, i finally got out of bed at...(do the math yourself) I then did as much as I could with the rat-nest of my hair and the day's fun began. The fun began when i found a white sounds so stupid writing this and I must say now that I think of it, I'm quite proud of myself for conjuring up a white hair over night! Maybe I am turning into Dumbledore after all! I tried to brush it off but there was no kind of luck but bad today for me and it was just the beginning.
It was time to get dressed then so I went to put on the outfit I had planned in my head last night. This ended in a whirlwind of clothes in my room from my angry search for a measly pair of leggings. I finally found them after tearing apart the contents of my dresser, (and thoroughly frightening my guinea pig) only to find that my nit-pickyness wouldn't agree with the outfit I thought would look good. I caved in and gave up on looking like a girl and put on a huge, dirty sweatshirt and the now forbidden yellow pants. I made it to first period on a stomach of half a french toast and sweat drenched state of being (thanks to my daily exercise of the B to D floor).
English was mostly normal except that instead of being educated on the English language, we had a thorough lecture on the Russian Revolution. I cant say I disliked the change in routine. The bell rang and I stepped out into the hall on my way to second period (walking through the halls is quite like swimming upstream in a river of gorillas and donkeys at my school mind you, and especially dangerous for a little shrimp like me) when I hear loud and clear, "OOOHHH SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH!" I stopped dead in my tracks and remembered the horrifying thing I purposely forgot. Stoplight day. I hadn't intended on participating in spirit week's tom foolery, yet today I had. Let me now explain the idea of Stoplight day. You wear red to say that you are taken and you have a happy yet complicated high school relationship and you are considered cool by those around you. Wear green to say you are in the search of that perfect match in your life, but really you're just single and feel sorry for yourself. And the dreaded yellow; you have a crush, BUT YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SAY WHO! It was just my luck to wear scream-at-you-in-your-face-you'd-be-blind-not-to-notice yellow pants. At this point I'm just going to have to laugh at what a plane wreck of a day I had. These kinds of days are for a good laugh because they probably mean you havent had a good one in a while. Better luck tomorrow might mean a boring day so let's just hope for.....EXCITING! I wasn't cut out for high school, so in other words, I wasn't cut out to be a puzzle piece and I'm glad!
-oLivE <(^^,)> Live Long and Prosper
P.S.!!!! NEW LIGHTS ALBUM (The Listening) AND BASSHUNTER ALBUM (Every Morning)