Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Stuff....

We have a banana tree in our backyard!!! And baby birds live in it! Yesterday was my first day of school and today my second obviously. they both were horrible and akward not to mention embarrassing and i just wish everyone would leave me alone because i cant speak spanish, im not a pretty costa rican girl, i am completly and utterly socially retarded, and i feel just plain old bewildered and hair-brained. i know they have good intentions, but i didnt and still dont plan on making friends which im completly fine with. And if i do sit by myself or i am solitary for even a minute they feel bad and start talking to me. BUT THEY HAVE TO FACE IT i wont fit in and I DONT CARE OR WANT TO!!! Dont get me wrong they are all nicer than i deserve -as a new bleach white american-and they arent annoying, i just dont know how to be friendly in genral. Maybe when i finally figure out where all my classes are i wont have to speak to anyone. art is weird too. its very differnt... but not as strange as somethings i suppose. oh man do i need a good greasy burger from hires......and a raspberry shake.......and cheese fries......maybe a York Mint Pattie for desert.... yum. they have nothing like hires anywhere except utah. i wish food would stay fresh and hot for a long time so someone who loves me will send me some hires.....mmmmm


Anonymous said...

livi!!!! tsk tsk tsk. i know you are angry at the world and you totally feel like "ANGST!! NOBODY LOVES ME!!!" but from personal experience i can say that i think you will regret it if you don't attempt to make any friendships of any kind in costa puerto rica(o). true, none of the girls in austria were nice to me except for like, 2...but i still wish that i had tried to make more friends and that was FIVE years ago. another thing is that you don't really know how long you are going to be there. do you really want to be alone for that long? look the odds are in your favor, these girls already like you and they are already trying to be your friend. i realize there is a language barrier but according to a study done at UCLA, 93% of communication is NONVERBAL. so using "i can't sprechen de ESPANOL!" is not really a valid excuse my darling. you can do it. i expect you to do it. because when (hopefully) i come visit you i want to meet all of your crazy spanish-speaking costa rican friends. i am always here for you my dear little olivia. you are my muffin top! oh another thing: if you absolutely refuse to be a social puerto rican butterfly--you always have chloe in the flesh and blood. or you could make friend with the hyperactive little monkeys in your banana tree/plant/whatever.

ps sorry if i sounded annoying and condescending..i am just trying to help you

pss your little food description left me quite hungry and with a bursting craving sensation for fatty foods...thanks a lot.

Fern said...

you know that i would most definitely send you some good ol' healthy hires if it were only possible. have you eaten any bananas from said tree?

Ashley said...

That is so weird, how different we see ourselves, from the way others view us. I honestly think that you are one of the most friendly people that I have ever met! Just ask Shelby. And she doesn't warm to just anyone! Plus, everyone knows that the "new girl" is always the cool one. :)