Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Longest post of my life...

SOOO...I think i may be nocturnal. I just don't like the daytime guess. I can sleep all day and stay up all night. sooo i declare that I AM NOCTURNAL. On to a new subject! My biggest goals in life right now are to actually full on punch someone in the face, (dont worry they would have to deserve it)eat two sticks of butter at the same time, (i once expressed this goal to my friend hannah she looked at me funny and said,"you know most people have goals like going to college and stuff" and stuff... psh she just does not get it. The last one is quite intriguing to me. I day dream about it alot.
It is that I would somehow get stuck in an for at least an hour elevator at separate times with the following people:Robert Pattinson (to give him a piece of my mind but mostly to stare at him),Stephenie Meyer (to pick her brain and ask her why i wasn't on the twilight lexicon yet! I DID give her a freaking gift basket)
AND most of all JK ROWLING!!! This one better be self explanatory.

I dont exactly know why i would choose an elevator. Maybe just because its a confined space and they cant escape. HAHA!!!

I also recently watched the Hills Have Eyes and House of Wax!!! Let me tell you the gore and violence was life changing! It was so awesome!!! But mostly hilarious. Flan didn't think so but I certainly did. -olive <(='.'=)>


Caroline said...

haha crazy a little? just maybe? heh heh heh i wouldn't want to be stuck in an elevator with you any more than a feril wolf with rabies...jk... lol good luck with the butter thing. have fun barfing THAT up. OH and i'm listeing to that french song about les garcons on your playlist. i like it

Caroline said...

OH you HAVE to hear this song. you'll love it!! it's called "radio song" by superbus. just go to my blog and it's on my playlist. you'll love it! it's french :p do it NOW!!

Fern said...

that would be insanely cool to get stuck in an elevator with any of the given celebrities! they'd probably think we were WAT mental, but it'd be totally worth it!