Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am not nocturnal

I got alot of crap when i said that i was nocturnal but let me set the record straight: I am not nocturnal and i was not just saying that because i wanted to be a vampire. I actually do not want to be a vampire, i would rather be a witch that lived at Hogwarts. Better yet a gypsy witch. Yes that would be awesome... I actually waited for an owl that would bring my Hogwarts acceptance letter when i turned 11. -oLiVe (=^.^=)


Fern said...

if only the things we read about in books were real! the world could have so much more potential if it all existed. i remember that when my mom started reading harry potter to us, i was so excited to turn 11, just in case i would get accepted into hogwarts. damn you jk rowling!