Friday, September 4, 2009

Tooth and Brain Problems

The tooth problem really quick i will say was just me being too excited to eat a meat ball sandwich and biting my fork instead and then possibly breaking my bottom tooth a little. I have come to terms with the fact that i am not that enthralling or capturing when it comes to writing. Especially on my blog. But really, who besides myself cares if i find a newly leaked Basshunter song? Or that i have unhealthy obsessions with things? I would like to know that. So, i will try to be more interesting so this blog isnt like the rest of my life. Which is talking to myself. Thats what i do most the time. But if the blog is interesting, it should finally have purpose.
Since i started school I realized my creativity level has been shot. Shot down like a dead deer in the road. (hehe dead deer....) but this is no surprise. Im not sure if its only because i am distracted by school work, because i have the sneaking suspicion that it might be because of the social scene at East. Dont you think it could be that? (this is reaking with sarcasm by the way) Let me elaborate before you jump to the typical solution that i am "insecure" and "depressed" because im not. This isnt that serious, but it is ridiculous. Let me just ask you one question: Would you feel like you were progressing in anyway mentally if you were surrounded by people who didnt know that pushing people down stairways is just slightly rude? Or people who think that mixing battery acid into a pill like substance and passing it off as ecstasy is a FANTASTIC IDEA!!! No, actually those people arent as dumb as the people who actually pay them for it and take them....Its gotten to the point of hilarity though. Seriously, its pretty amusing that there can be people out there that dont know that battery acid actually kills you kids!
Another one I just LOVE is lack of common hygiene. I understand if you are poor or homeless and you cant afford soap, but im pretty sure deodorant was invented for a really good reason and we should all take advantage of its benefits. SHAMPOO is the tricky one though. Its almost like, people like all manner of dandruff and pests living in their hair. Some kids, i cant tell if they just got out of the shower (no such luck) or they are just really greasy. I dont get close enough to tell, for fear of dry heaving and therefore dying, but unless they have been wetting their hair in between periods, you can usually tell it really was grease if it still looks wet at the end of the day.
This is just great, see what ive come to? I have nothing better to write about on my blog than the pond scum of East High. Help me!! Post suggestions are welcome! Just comment on this one and leave a single word topic.
Live Long and Prosper,
=(^.^)= olive
p.s. there is a fly in my kitchen


Fern said...

papercraft. sassing teachers. eating. fashion. your beautiful art

Olive said...

thank you for the nice input flannery

The Nobody said...

ya i think you should take pictures of some of your art and put it on your blog it would be really neat

A FRIEND said...

how about that fly?

Mutti said...

Hey, I just found this blog through Sage's blog! It looks to me like your creativity is alive and well, one might even say vibrant! As for other uses to which it could be put . . . Maybe you could create a work of art or piece of jewelry from the tooth fragment?? And as for blog topics . . . What about Wilbur's recent capers in the pigmobile? Russi and Pablo also lead adventuresome lives which they themselves are unable to document! What about insider observations of this year's EHS musical? Poems perhaps? Just keep writing!
